Thursday, July 31, 2014


[8:09:35], 7/10/14

It really is a wonder this place hasn't fallen in on you yet. A house of cards would be more stable.

Shove it up your ass.

Just looking out for you Annalee dear, I worry about you on your own up here.

Yeah I bet you do.

How is Daniel?

Fine. Perfect. Super. Could not be better.

You make faces like that all the time and it'll stick like that you know.

Yeah well what's your excuse? Look can you just skip to the part where you stick a syringe in my neck and make me cry about my basket case mother? You making passive aggressive small talk is an embarrassment.

It's called etiquette but none the less your right. On to business. It's come to my attention you plan on leaking LEGION information to your KGB friend.

You can't really complain, can you? You pinned my eyelids open and zapped me senseless. Our truce is officially off.

Anna, I don't enjoy killing runners. Nor do I enjoy damaging them permanently.

Doesn't stop you from doing it.

It's counter-intuitive to my ultimate goal, and it's a sad facet of the job. You and I acknowledged that long ago, now didn't we?...But anyway. You've gotten to the point where you're unfortunately more valuable alive than dead. Congratulations.

Ha ha.

That's the product of all the sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Now of course I could just lock you up and torture any information I wanted out of you, but you're not a petulant child anymore, and I can't just lock you up to make you behave anymore. So as you can see, my problem is-

How do you put me under your thumb, when torturing me proves not to work.

...Yes. How do I do that?

I'm sure you know the double B rule. Bribes and Blackmail. And you don't have shit on me to threaten me with, so what exactly are you going to offer?

Be realistic. I'd jump off a bridge before willingly giving you any of my documents.

So then we're at an impasse.

Oh it would appear that way. But unfortunately you once again slipped up.

...Beg your pardon?

Honestly Annalee, it is not as impossible to outfox you as you might think. You may be the luckiest business woman this side of the Mississippi, but you are a far cry from the cleverest.

...What did you do to him?

Daniel! Could you come in here please. Stop listening at the door like a stranger.

Oh shit.

Danny get your ass in here! We X-Rayed him there wasn't shit there. What did you do to him?

It's a tricky little device. Not impossible to detect but definitely hard to spot if you don't know what you're looking for. It can administer lethal levels of electric shocks.

No way, that's nothing but a bunch of scifi bullshit. You don't have that kind of torture weapon.

I'll demonstrate.

Holy fuck!

That's a light voltage. Of course a lethal voltage would be quite a bit more painful.


Anna darling, you make this too easy for me.

...What makes you think he matters to me?...Go ahead, kill him, I don't care.


Oh calm down Daniel, I know a bluff when I hear one. You honestly think there's one thing preventing me from delivering this dosage.

You said it yourself, killing runners is counterintuitive to your cause, and what do I have to lose other than a tie up. You kill him, and I'm free as a bird to kill you where you stand.

Very shrewd Anna, I'm impressed, and only how many glasses of alcohol in you? My goodness you must have two hollow legs.

Shut the fuck up.

Then again, maybe we could arrange to have you dragged back in. There were a few more blood tests that results I want to recheck. Also...


Anna it's a simple watch, no need to be afraid. I'll wind it back, and you tell me again about the night your father disappeared.

Stop it!

It must have been so hard, being abandoned again. Perhaps that's why you have issues with trus—Ugh!

You stay the FUCK out of my head, and stay the FUCK away from Danny.

What will you give me in return?...I'll tell you what you'll give me, you'll put me down this second for starters...Good girl.

Go to hell.

Next there's not going to be any export of those files you stole from us, nor will there be any disclosure on our operations or various projects. If your breach our confidentiality I'm not locking you up, I'm going to have you and your stooge shot and thrown in the ocean, is that clear?...I said is that clear Anna?

Yes, it's very fucking clear you psychopathic bitch.

There's not going to be any information trade with your Russian vigilante. I don't need some loaded unhinged fool storming my base, I deal with enough of those already.

Is that all?

Hardly. We still need a trade to re-cement our truce.

I think you meant to say noose.

You're adorable. I want two things, the first is the biological sample of your friend Tilde you took.

Why the hell would you want that? It's barely more than some raw azoth.

Oh there are some properties there I am very interested in.

You leave her the fuck alone.

I don't think my work is any of your concern. The second thing I want is Summer's remains...You have them don't you.

I burned Georgia.

You did say something to the contrary when we had you under. I think I have it on tape...Anna, where are they? I want the sample and the remains right now.

...Give me a minute.

Very good...So Daniel, I must ask, how's it been living in the desert with this trigger happy maniac? Must be very enlightening I imagine, though there are other runners I must say who would treat you with a bit more dignity.

Ughh shut up.

Still recovering from the shock? I apologize for that, it's a shame you'll have to suffice as Anna's leash for the time being. She's been without one for too long. Let's not talk about though while we're alone. How's your mother? Have you seen her?

...My what?

Your mother.

My mother's dead.

...Oh now that's cruel.

What!? What is!

I thought she'd told you.

Told me what?

I'll let you bring it up with Anna. An important lesson though Daniel, to keep in mind when you're living this life with these threats. Coincidences are never just coincidences. Ah and speak of the devil, wonderful. Oh and you've already labeled them too, though this isn't some sort of silly disguise trick is it.


We've got checks for that sort of thing.


Anna, what I'm asking is really not all that unreasonable. Cheer up.

Go fuck yourself.

This is Miss Summer's remains huh? Funny how a person after so much can fit into a jar this size DON'T YOU DARE HIT ME AGAIN.

Hey, it's my terms!


Get the fuck out of my house. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE.

All right darling, no need to have a hernia. Daniel, my regards.

...She said something about my mother. She said you were keeping something from me...Anna?...Anna say something.

Turn off the computer.


Monday, July 28, 2014

There once was an one-eyed ox, who lived on a farm with many other animals. There was a dog, a pig, a horse, and a little barn rat, with whom he was all close friends. The Ox lived a good simple life on the farm, with the other animals, spending his days grazing in the field. One day, out of the blue, the Ox glanced up from his grazing and spotted a golden monkey, smiling at him from the tree's. He blinked and moved over to the tree's looking up.
"Hello, how are you?"
But the monkey didn't answer, it only smiled and tilted its head.
"My name is Ox, what's yours?"
But the monkey didn't answer, it still only smiled.
The Ox snorted in confusion. "Can you speak? Why aren't you answering me."
The monkey smiled, and pointed, and the Ox turned its head to look, but there was nothing, when it looked back, the monkey was gone.
The Ox thought about the monkey all that night and all the next day, wondering where it had come from and what it had wanted to show him. He couldn't enjoy grazing, or sleeping, or lying out in the warm sun, he could only think of the monkey and its haunting smile.
He went over to the tree's where he had spotted it before, but there was nothing there.
He sought the advice of his friend, the rat, who was sniffing around the farmer's garbage. "A monkey you say?" she inquired, chewing on a kernel of corn. "How interesting, I've never heard of one out here."
"I saw one though, I swear."
She chewed thoughtfully, her pink eyes glancing around. "Hmm, well I haven't seen one. If you see one again, let me know though, I'd love to see a monkey someday."
He thanked her and went to ask his friend the horse, who was standing out in the pasture, enjoying the breeze and the blue sky. "I've never seen a monkey in my life," he said, nuzzling the Ox's head. "Are you sure you aren't just seeing things?"
"I know what I saw."
"I wouldn't know where to look," he sighs, looking up at the sky. "But if you needed help searching, I would help," he said.
The Ox thanked him and went to go ask his friend the Pig, who was sunning herself, lying on her back. "There aren't monkeys out here. They live in the jungles."
"I am certain it was a monkey I saw."
"You'd have to prove it," the pig said simply, rolling over to blink at him and snort.
He bid the pig farewell and went to talk to the dog who was nipping at butterflies in the meadow.
"There are no monkeys out this far. You're a liar," she yapped, pawing at the ground.
"There was too a monkey, I know it."
"I'd have to see it to believe it."
The Ox bid the dog farewell and trotted off to the edge of the field to be by himself and to think.
A dove flew down on and landed on his horn. "I have seen the monkey," she whispered in his ear. "If you follow me tonight, I can show you."
"You will?"
She nodded, flying off into the trees. "Meet me here at sunset Ox, and I will show you the way to him."
She disappeared into the sky.
The Ox was elated, and quickly went to tell all of his friends. "You see? Now I can prove there was a monkey. You'll see. Come with us tonight and you'll all see."

Though some were more hesitant than others, the prospect of traveling out of the farm and through the strange forest in the dark unappealing, the idea of seeing the monkey got the better of them, and come sunset the Ox found the Dog, the Pig, the Horse, and the Rat all waiting for him by the tree. The Dove was perched in the same place she'd been before, fluttering her wings. "We'll go slowly," she said. "Just follow my lead."
She took off, landing on a branch a little ways inside the forest, waiting for them to follow. The Ox hurried after, crashing through the brush. The rat scurried after, mindful not to be trampled, the horse after her, stepping gingerly and glancing around in caution, the pig with her short legs huffing and puffing, and the dog brought up the rear, her back arched as if she expected to be pounced.
"It's getting so dark," she fretted. "And this place is full of so many strange smells. How will we find our way back?"
"We can follow our tracks," the Ox explained.

"There are things in here, watching us," said the dog.

"No there aren't," said the Ox. "You're just worrying too much."
The dog growled under her breath, and suddenly reared up in surprise as something slithered out from underneath her. The snake, snapped up, biting the dog in the neck, who yowled in pain, throwing the snake off and bolting. 
"Wait!" cried the Ox.
"You can go find your monkey, I want to go home," said the dog, and she crashed through the brush until she had disappeared from sight, only the sound of her whining left.

The other animals all looked at each other startled. 
"Maybe we should go back," said the Horse, who was easily spooked. "Maybe we should look for the monkey in the morning."
"You will only find the monkey in the dark," said the dove. "We do not have much time, let's go."

So the animals steeled themselves and continued on, the pig now bringing up the rear.
"Slow down," she called. "You're leaving me behind, I can't go as fast as the rest of you."

She made a quick burst of speed, as the animals began to drift out of view, only to fall head first into a ditch, her legs twisting uncomfortably, and she squealed in surprise. 
The other animals turned around quickly to try and help her. "Are you all right Pig?" they asked.
The Pig let out an unhappy sound, climbing out of the pit and limping quickly back in the direction of the farm. "I don't care about the monkey," she cried. "I want to go home too,"
"Oh Pig wait," the Ox called to her, but she'd already disappeared into the brush. 

Now it was just the Horse, the Rat, and the Ox left, the Ox sighed and turned back to the dove. "Well let's keep going."

As they got deeper and deeper into the forest, the dark began closing in, becoming thicker and even the brilliant white dove was hard to make out in the blackness. The horse was becoming frightened, moving at a crawl as he glanced around in fear at the dark shapes of the tree's against the ever shrinking sky. "I should go back too," he said softly.
"No," said the Ox. "We're almost there. Please stay with us."
"A horse needs to see the sky," the Horse explained. "I'm no good in the dark. Please tell me about the monkey, when you come back in the morning." He turned and began trotting back in the direction of the farm, leaving the Rat and the Ox alone.
"It is just you and me," said the Rat. "Although I admit, this forest is frightening."
"Will you leave too?" the Ox asked.
The Rat shook her head. "No, but perhaps I should ride on your back from here. I fear being stepped on."

The Ox nodded, bowing his head and the rat scurried up, nestling up on the crown of his head, and they continued on their way.

"The monkey is only a little ways away," said the Dove after a while. "Right through here."
The Ox, felt excitement flare up in his chest, at the thought of seeing the Gold Monkey again, and without stopping to consider, he charged forward through the brush, leaving the Dove behind.
"Wait no! Stop!" the rat shrieked, but it was too late. The ground disappeared out from under the Ox's hooves, and he fell through the air with a startled shout. The foolish Ox had run off the face of a cliff in the dark, and he tumbled down, landing with a harsh thud, that shook the earth. His bones were broken, his horns snapped in half, his back bent in two pieces. Beneath his heavy weight, the rat laid crushed. And the dumb foolish Ox, with his final breath looked up to see the monkey, smiling at him, with sharp teeth, laughing loudly. It filled his ears and rang out in the night, as the Ox laid down his head and died.

The end.
I love you, now go to sleep. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Heading over to L.A.

We're taking a short trip to Los Angelos now that I've wrapped up some affairs. I need to check up with an old friend of mine. We've been pretty busy over here, getting some shit together.

Also as a sidenote, Cognito if you are reading this, I apologize deeply and will give you a proper explanation once things aren't so sideways like they are at the moment, because of reasons.

That's all. Just a quick update.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

LEGION showed up today

They're gone now, but they were here for a bit.

Stuff is fine, I don't know about truces, but stuff seems fine. I think. No scratch that it's a hell of a long ways from fine, but I guess in the grand scheme not much has changed. Everything's ok. Perfect. Fine, and Super.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Message For You Sir!

So a woman showed up outside today. We both thought for a second she was the proxy who's been circling the premises, but she looked pretty sane. She said she was from L.E.G.I.O.N. and that she was delivering a message to Anna. It's a bit worrying considering the last time we saw anybody from L.E.G.I.O.N. we were high tailing it out of their scary underground fortress with stolen documents, although Anna said it was naive to think we wouldn't be hearing from them sooner or later. This is what the letter said:

      Here's to hoping you are in the best of health and are feeling both physically and mentally well. I'd like to apologize for my actions in October when you were forcibly seized from your "home." Our truce served us well over the years, and it is inconvenient that two forces so dedicated to a single cause should find themselves in conflict. If you'd be willing to meet with me I would happily discuss an alternative course of action, where I do not have to lock you up like a prisoner and you and your allies do not have to escape in the night like thieves. We should be friends unified in our crusade. 

I look forward to your response,


Anna's been using the paper as a target for her throwing knives, and she told the delivery girl that she wasn't meeting with anyone, and if they wanted to talk they knew where to find her. I'm just hoping nobody comes crashing through the windows and drags us out in the night again like the first time. I'm not sure if this letter is supposed to be a trap or not, because if it is, it just seems too obvious, you know? It might be they really want to make peace with her, seeing as how she has all these stolen files. Who knows.

In other news, the proxy that's been hanging around has gotten a little bolder. We woke up this morning and found a bunch of snakes stuffed inside of a dead deer. I'll give her one thing, she's certainly...creative.

She hasn't attacked us yet, but Anna seems to think she's going to. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll turn out this proxy was actually like an insane mountain man from over the bluff, who's been trying to persuade us subconsciously into going to his art show. That's my two bit theory.

As it would be, stuff is weird as always.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Fourth Again

Anna woke me up at the crack of dawn again, and we went out to that seedy joint in Vegas again, and sat out on the roof of Anna's truck with Hot Dogs and beer and watched fire works while listening to Johnny Cash. I'm pretty sure Anna was even wearing the same raggedy Elvis t-shirt she wore the first time we went out there.

It's weird because a year passed, and a lot changed. I'm off drugs, and I don't even mind bathing in a creek, or being hot all the time, or even waking up and finding Anna skinning some sort of venomous snake for breakfast. It doesn't bother me like it used to, and I guess that's just because I got used to it. I feel better than I used to, to. My asthma hasn't been as bad, and I'm getting tougher. Me and Anna can go head to head without me getting my ass royally kicked every single time. I can last longer than five minutes.

Anna's different too. She's not nasty, or invulnerable, she's just rational and focused on surviving. She has things that get to her just like anybody else, I didn't really get that for a long time. I feel like I'm better because of her.

I guess if I were to explain this experience metaphorically, it would be like being dumped into a bucket of scalding hot water, and at first it hurts and you want to get out, but afterwards you get used to it, and its better than what you had. I do think my life is better somehow. Maybe just because I've got someone in my life who cares about me and who I care about. (Platonically you crazy shits.)

We talked a bit about this and that. I badgered her a bit about Beau and how the two of them have made it work, and she dodged answering because Beau is now an off the table topic. And then she asked me something weird.

"Danny, you're not vehemently opposed to my company right?"

I told her I wasn't.

"You know I've killed people right? People I was close to, because they became proxies."

I told her I understood that.

"I wanted to ask you, and I want you to answer seriously, if everything went to hell, and I lost my mind and became one of those masked assholes, and it came down to it, would you be able to put a bullet in my head?"

I'd never flipped the scenario on its head before, because let's be honest folks, from day one you all assumed it would be who went off the deep end. But she asked, and I sort of rightfully freaked out. I asked if she thought she was losing it, because things have been good and that would be the worst goddamn thing. She called me a dipshit, said she was worried if it came down to it I would choke.

I don't know the answer to that question. I don't know if I would choke or not. I think...I think I wouldn't do it, if it were me against her. Anna says staying alive is the number one priority, but I don't know if I'm willing to cross any threshold out there in the name of staying alive. I'm not saving the world anytime soon. It's work enough just trying to save myself. If it came down to it, I think I'd just let her have me.

It's easy to get wrapped up in Anna's world, where everyday is an epic battle against the forces of good and evil and its you alone against them. But stuff isn't always that easy.

It wasn't the answer she wanted, and I think she's upset.

I just think that's the good way to live, and it's how I plan on doing it.

Tonight though, it was nice. A good moment of calm in the storm, where for the first time in what felt like my whole life, my mind felt clear and everything felt clean. I haven't felt clean in ages. We're a good team. We work, and that's good to know.

Happy 4th.